Jessica Davis

Jessica Davis

  • Position: Therapist
  • Experience: 15 Years
  • Location: Dublin, Clintonville, Telehealth
  • Phone: (614) 263-8161 ext. 513

Personal Experience & Biography

Jessica received her Bachelor of Social Work from Miami University of Ohio, and Master of Social Work from University of South Dakota. She is licensed by the State of Ohio as a Licensed Social Worker. Jessica has over 12 years of mental health counseling experience. Jessica has experience in working with at-risk youth, victims of domestic violence, and those who have experienced trauma. Jessica enjoys coming alongside others to process loss, trauma, anxiety, and depression to help them begin to thrive and flourish. Jessica strives to create an atmosphere of compassion, encouragement, and cooperation in working toward an individual’s goals. As a mental health therapist, she provides individual, marital, and family counseling, and she is trained in Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR) and is a Certified Complex Trauma Therapist.

Specialized Work

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